AFL Junior Boys Ireland Tour 2 2024
Tour Portal
Info Pack
What to pack, how to take spending money, contact home and more important information to ensure you have a fantastic time on tour.
Allowed Bags
Here you can download the recently emailed Document on what bags are allowed on tour and what bags are not. Click on ALLOWED BAGS above to download the PDF
Medical Form / Code of conduct
All tourists will be required to complete and return a signed copy to Wanderers Australia.
Your Medical Form / Code of Conduct is due Monday 19th August.
Travel Insurance
This provides you a copy of the summary of what you are covered for that is built into your tour cost.
Wanderers Australia Policy Schedule
Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Policy Wording
Every person who is touring MUST complete an order form.
Included Kit - you have already been invoiced for this, you just need to select sizing for this section.
Optional extras - any optional extra items you order will be added to your invoice and you will pay with your final balance.
No late orders, or change will be accepted. All uniform is made to order.
Tour Rules
Please ensure you read these prior to departure.