U13/14 Netball Tour Fiji Dec 2025

  • Test Series against Fiji

    Junior players will play against the best that Fiji has to offer over a 2 test match series across the tour as well as games against provincial teams

  • Expert Coaching

    Receive expert coaching from academy and state level coaches from a variety of states. Improve your netball playing against Fiji’s national junior teams.

  • Bula Fiji

    Enjoy and experience all that Fiji’s unique culture has to offer. Meet the local families , taste the local food, and swim on some of the best beaches in Fiji.

Registrations for our 2025 tour are now open.

We would like to invite junior netball players from across Australia to be a part of our under 13/14 netball Tour to Fiji for December 2025 in conjunction with the Netball Fiji.

The tour is open for female players who will be under 13 and under 14 in 2025, which will depart Australia on approx December 5th and return on December 14th. (Players born 2012, 2011)

Players of all abilities will be welcome to be a part of the tour.  

There will be no selections or tryouts for the tour. The tour will be filled on a first come first in basis. We will be taking one squad of 30 players (3 teams) plus parents and family who would like to attend. Family are more than welcome to attend , and special prices will be available for families who wish to travel together and share the same accommodation. (Players will always share with their teammates though)

The tour will be led by experienced staff who have toured with us before and coach at state and academy level, who are vastly experienced in coaching and managing young players of all levels. All young players will be closely supervised throughout the tour.

The tour will visit Nadi, Suva and the resorts of the Coral Coast.

Object of the tour ?

The object of the tour is to meet new people from all over Australia within your team, meet new people in the countries that you visit, see the world, and of course improve as a player by receiving expert coaching and by playing against different styles of netball you cannot experience at home.


The tour cost covers:

  • International flights between Sydney, Brisbane and Fiji (with add on connections available ex other airports across Australia)

  • All accommodation with breakfast daily

  • Welcome dinner and farewell dinner

  • Internal transfers with Luxury coach

  • Comprehensive travel insurance

  • Arrangement of a minimum of 4 matches on tour including a test series against Fiji's junior national teams.

All players receive equal time and opportunity playing and all receive the same level of coaching on tour, irrespective of ability.

The tour is paid off via installments over the year and is open to ANY player of ANY ability ages turning 13 or 14 in 2025. Multiple teams will tour .

As we are an Australia-wide program, there will be no tryouts or selections for this tour. Tour places are filled on a first come first in basis.

For more information, please complete our registration form on our contact us page or give us a call on 02 7209 4940